Subroto Says Extension of tin Pact is Unrealistic

An extension of the International Tin Agreement (ITA) is unrealistic and the pact should be allowed to lapse, Indonesian Mines and Energy Minister Subroto told reporters.

Asked about Jakarta’s position for the quarterly session of the International Tin Council on April 8-9, Subroto said Indonesia had agreed to the formation of a study group to look into how to replace the pact.

But he said that given the present disagreement between producers and consumers, there is unlikely to be any follow-up to the ITA.

Asked by reporters if Indonesia would support an extension of the ITA, he said, “No one will propose that. It’s also unrealistic to do so.”

Subroto played a key part in securing agreement between the seven member Association of Tin Producing Countries to introduce a quota system which limited their exports and consumption to 96,000 tonnes in the year starting March 1.

Indonesia’s quota was set at 24,516 tonnes.